Ini adalah mungkin satu post yang agak basi. Kerana telah seminggu perkara ini berlaku, namun baru hari ini hendak diceritakannya. Kenapa tidak diceritakan awal lagi? Kerana saya terasa malas nak type post yang panjang. Panjang ke post ni? Entah. Saya rasa ia akan jadi panjang. Haha. Borak dengan diri sendiri. It's awesome.
The trip to Singapore was planned few months back. It's all because of our family nak pergi kenduri kawen our parents punyer cousin punye anak. Alang-alang dah pergi kenduri kawen nye tuh, pergila holiday sekali ye dokk? Klu tak, rugi-rugi je pergi negara orang tapi tak gi jenjalan.. Haha, sembang macam Singapore tuh jauh sangat. Anyway, it was a 4 days trip to those yang interested nak tau. Mari kite selami aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh saya dan keluarga sepanjang di sana
Day 1. (Sabtu 2 June 2012)
From my house (Rembau) we drove to Johor Bahru. The Journey started at 3 a.m. yes. A.M! And i was the driver. Dad couldnt make it coz got like eye infection. His eyes were cyclop red! Ibu drove for the first 30 mins, and passed the steering wheel to me for the rest of the journey. Kami konvoi 2 buah kereta. The other car was my Pak Usu's. We had our first stop at Pagoh. Had some hot drinks. I decided to have nescafe. My roomate says drinking nescafe boleh hilangkan mengantuk. So i take her words for it. Mind you, sepanjang hidup rasanya boleh kire ngn sebelah tangan berapa kali aku minom nescafe.huhu. After a 15 minutes break, we head on to our destination. Naik je kereta, aku rase perot aku da semacam dahh... Addoiii~ i think my tummy is rejecting the drink. Mak Usu said, the next pit stop will be Smpg. Renggam. Perut ni plak main-main dengan aku. Kejap sakit. Kejap tak.. Jalan pulak clear je pagi tuh.. Mula-mula pak usu's car was in the lead. Tapi i couldnt take it anymore. Dia bawak 100kmph je. Aku plak tgh sakit perot ni. So, i took the lead. Tak bole tahan lagi dah.. Haha.. I need to be at the next pit stop real fast!!!
Ok. long story cut short. We arrived at Kg Melayu Majidee, JB around 6 a.m. There, we prayed at the mosque, and later went to Mak Usu friend's house allocated not far from the mosque. Kami chose to leave our car at the house and masuk S'pore by taxi. We freshen up at the house, went for breakfast , and later took taxi to Larkin station. From there kene beratur for taxi to go into S'pore. Ramai jugak pagi tuh. mase tu dalam pukul 8 lebih kot. Mase tengah beratur tuh, Mak Usu as the head of the group decided to change the plan. Katenye naik bas lagi cepat. Sebab org tak ramai. So, follow je lah. oh lupe nak bagitau. there were 9 of us. me, my mum, my lil bro, Pak Long, Mak usu, Pak Usu, lil K, kakak and abg Asrul.
Naik bas, costs us only rm.170 from JB to Kranji. murah kan? Kalau taxi, rm15 per head. or rm60 per car if im not mistaken. Tapi, i tell ya, bus is only suitable for young people or backpackers. Kalau pergi ngan family better u take a taxi or car. Sebabnye, by bus, u have to do custom check manually. by that meaning, kene turun bas, bawak turun skali barang, naik escalator, beratur, dapatkan cop, pergi scan barang and all that. Kami habis masa dalam 1 jam kat situ! But if you go by car, memang la kereta hv to line up for check ups jugakkan , tapi at least, korang stay in your car. xperlu jalan. lebih convenient. and dia punye custom check sangat la simple. They look at u, then ur passport, check or boots, then voila!
So, after lepas custom check, by bus we went to the Kranji MRT station. MRT ni umpama LRT la dekat Malaysia. But a very long long longgg one... haha. Dari Kranji kami ke Sembawang, ke rumah cousin Ibu. Harini merupakan hari pernikahan anak cousin Ibu tuh. Kalau tak silap aku, kami sampai situ dalam pukul 1 tgh hari kot. Dah la dengan tido and rest tak cukup. Kene attend pernikahan lagi dengan masing-masing muke dah selebet. Bayangkan la kene naik turun escalator, beratur for bus dengan beg-beg yang semestinya berat. Kesian dekat Pak Long and kakak aku je. Pak Long walaupun nampak gagah, but cant deny the fact that he's old. Kakak plak tgh preggie. Kesian dia kene banyak jalan. Tapi aku tengok dia relax jee.. haha. But at the end of the journey, nampak la dia moody. Keciaannnn....
All in all, journey from Malaysia to S'pore by bus sangat memenatkan. So aku xgalakkan korg go by bus, UNLESS korang lightpackers, muda-mudi remaja, masuk S'pore for the weeked. Boleh save duit. huhu...
disebabkan masing-masing dah penat hari tuh, so, the rest of the day xde aktiviti sangat. Balik apartment n tidoooo... Malam tuh, pergi skali lagi ke rumah cousin Ibu for dinner. Aku tak tau la ni stail org Singapore kawen ke hape, but if one gets married, dia akan held majlis makan-makan for breakfast, lunch and dinner dari hari nikah ke hari bersanding. Just makan-makan saje, tak melibatkan pengantin. Pengantin muncul time nikah n sanding je.
Day 2 (Ahad 3 June 2012)
Sebelum ke wedding, aku, ibu, pak usu, mak usu, lil K, kakak n abang asrul, head off to Orchard street. -Sini area shopping malls yang best-best la kirenye kot... Sekarang ni dkt Singapore tengah Mega Sale,so mmg best la shopping. Kalau korang pandai bole dapat harga lebih murah dari Malaysia when converted. Masa tengah shopping-shoping tu, aku terjumpa satu crocs hello kitty yang sumpah comel gile. Hara baru $40+. Aku tengah berkira-kira nak beli. Since ni baru 1st day shopping, aku risau, kot2 beli yang ni, next time shopping, jumpe plak yang lain lagi comel and murah. So, aku pejam mata and walk off. That action of mine, made me regret my whole trip!! Sebabnye, lepas tuh xsempat dah nak g shopping!!! wuuuuuuuu~~~ kcewa gile2!!
After shopping (org len sume bawak barang, aku je tak), balik apartment, getting ready utk pergi wedding plak. Dijadikan cerita, my cousin Tasya ajak aku join dia g Bugis Street after the wedding. Tasya ni dia masuk S'pore a day earlier and stay dekat area lain (Pasir Ris), and da pegi wedding tu masa aku gi shopping. So, before nak g Bugis, dia dtg lepak jap kt apartment, and that time aku baru smp and terus ajak g Bugis. Diaorang da siap2 tuka baju pakai jeans sume. Aku plak nak g wedding, pakai la maxi dress aku kan. Maka terpaksalah aku pakai my maxi dress ke Bugis juge. Macam ape je gi sight-seeing pakai dress.. hmmm...
Bugis street tu, kalau kat M'sia ni umpama Petaling street la kot. ade satu part of the street jual barang-barang, pakaian murah, souvenirs singapore yg murah etc. another part of the street plak ade malls yang canggih manggih and sangat lawa.
Ada satu cerita best masa aku tengah beli souvenirs kat Bugis Street ni. There was this one guy tengah nak beli souvnirs jugak. we had some friendly talk and discovered that he's from Brunei. then masa nak bayar tuh, tetibe dia cakap, "can i buy this for your parents?", sambil tunjuk kat this one clock the shape of singapore map looking ornament. pastu aku macam "er, why?". he said, "oh, as a souvenir".. and i said "ahhhh, u dont have to", sambil wat muke serba salah ku.. hahaha... "but i want to. as a souvenir to ur parents"..i was like "but, why?". he replied, "malaysian people are so nice. i hv been there and they are very fiendly". pastu dia pon beli kan la... $15. to a bruneian, price tu celah gigi jehh.. tetibe teringin nak ade boyfriend org brunei.. mcm best jehhh... hahahaha... kachinggg!kachingg!!kachingg!!
Day 3 (Isnin 4 June 2012)
Hari yang dinanti-nantikan... Bersukaria di Universal Studio, Singapore (USS). Hahahihihuhuhuhu
Perjalanan kami by MRT. From Sembawang (where we stayed), took the MRT to Bishan. From there interchange to cicle line to get to Harbour Front. Before this, the plan was take the MRT to Dhoby Ghout and interchange there to north-east line to get to Harbour Front. But we had a chat with Ibu's cousin yg kerja dkt MRT tuh, and he said, turun dekat Bishan is faster. Tp klu tgk kat map, turun kt Dhoby mcm lg cepat. But, dia lebih arif, so we followed.
Sampai ke Harbour Front, kene naik Sentosa Express (monorail) to USS. Turun di Waterfront Station, the first station that is. All in all, the whole journey took about one hour. fuhh!! Takpela, janji da sampai USS. we arrived quite late. Pukul 11. Aku expect nak arrive pukul 10. ngam2 dia bukak, terus serbu.. haha. takot xsempat main semua rides.
So, masuk je USS tu, aku tak teros aim, transformers. Aku and the gang, pergi warm up kan badan dulu dgn rides2 bengong2.. haha... Mule2 pergi tengok Shrek 3D. memang best la dalam dulu. terasa percikan bersin si donkey tu kene muke aku. After that, pergi the lost world. Naik Rapids Adventure and canopy flyer. Kat rapids adv yang basah tuh. Tu yg kene pakai raincoat. huhu. Aku da beli siap2 dari M'sia. beli kat watson baru rm3. cousin aku ade yg beli kat USS, kene $3. haha. berganda-ganda, walopon nombornya sama. Canopy flyer tu aku rasa mcm membazir masa beratur jer. Ride dia xsampai 30secs kot. ciss..
Then, we went straight to the real adventure. we skip Ancient Egypt and went straight to Sci-fi city. Kitorg naik the scary looking rollercoasters, Human and Cylon. Human is the red colored one while Cylon is the one in blue. Pehhh, memang boleh runtuh jantung!! Tapi sumpah best gile. Human is a one minute ride, and Cylon is one minute 20 secs. haha, aku timed the ride mase tgh beratur. Between the two, Cylon lebih gerrun and brings ur adrenaline rush to the max! Your feet will be dangling in the air, and ade aksi tunggang terbalik, mmg peeerrggghhhh!!! rugi kalau tak naik beb.. Aku naik sampai 2x kot. Klu masa dipanjangkan lagi, nak naik sampai 5x.
After that, kami went straight to the anticipated ride of the place, TRANSFORMERS!. Ini pon memang sumpah best. tak mengecewakan. Dia bukan roller coaster betol. It's a 3D computer generated car ride. Korang kene pakai spek 3D. Pastu naik this one car yang bole muat dalam 6-8 pax. Kirenye ko jadi mcm one of the transformers la. And dalam ride tu ko tengah melawan orang jahat. Best gile beb. At the same time, there's a feeling mcm ko tgh naik rollercoaster betol. Yang ni pon aku naik 2x, but if given extra time, nak naik 10x!!
After transformers, kami patah balik ke Ancient Egypt and naik the Mummy ride.. Yang ni pon best. It was in the dark rollercoaster. Ko tak tau mane ko pergi.. huhu... Ni pon naik twice jugak. Then we went back around the USS untuk naik mane-mane rides yang kitorg tak naik lagi. Sebenarnya. for you guys yang suke kan the feel of adrenaline rush, xbanyak pon rides untuk kite. just those yang aku mention above je... Rides yang lain tu more to kids and family..
All in all, memang we spent whole day dalam tuh. Dari pukul 11 pagi, sampaila pukul 8 malam. Rides tutup pukul 7, so for the next hour we spent taking photos sebagai kenangan.
Sememangnya hari yang memenatkan!!
Day 4 (Selasa 5 June 2012)
Around 11 am, we went to rumah pakcik kepada abg Asrul for lunch at Yishun. Then, around 2 pm, bergerak ke mall dekat dengan Yishun MRT station tu. Apentah nama dia. Ingat bole la aku shopping kat situ. Tapi xde pe yang menarik, coz it's just a small mall. booohoooooo :'(. Then gerak balik apartment ke Sembawang around 3pm to get ready to go back to Malaysia. This time, kami dapat info dari cousin Ibu, there's a group of Johorean yang buat service taking people in and out of S'pore to JB. They will charge $12 per head. I think the price quite reasonable coz they will take u from anywhere in S'pore to anywhere in JB. fixed price. We sealed the deal without thinking of anything else. Yelah, masing-masing dah penat kot. Tak larat lagi dah nak naik bas balik ke JB. Tiring. Fortunately, naik kereta sewa ni sangat berbaloi-baloi. Upon entering Woodlands, where our passport will be stamped, the process didn't take so long. sangat cepat ok. The cars lining up memang panjang, but constantly moving. So, takdela lama tunggu untuk get to our turn. Custom check pon sgt pantas. Tak seperti if kite pergi buat manually masa naik bas hari tuh....
Maka begitulah cerita trip saya ke Singapore. Panjang kan? Ayat pon tunggang terbalik. haha.
The trip to Singapore was planned few months back. It's all because of our family nak pergi kenduri kawen our parents punyer cousin punye anak. Alang-alang dah pergi kenduri kawen nye tuh, pergila holiday sekali ye dokk? Klu tak, rugi-rugi je pergi negara orang tapi tak gi jenjalan.. Haha, sembang macam Singapore tuh jauh sangat. Anyway, it was a 4 days trip to those yang interested nak tau. Mari kite selami aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh saya dan keluarga sepanjang di sana
Day 1. (Sabtu 2 June 2012)
From my house (Rembau) we drove to Johor Bahru. The Journey started at 3 a.m. yes. A.M! And i was the driver. Dad couldnt make it coz got like eye infection. His eyes were cyclop red! Ibu drove for the first 30 mins, and passed the steering wheel to me for the rest of the journey. Kami konvoi 2 buah kereta. The other car was my Pak Usu's. We had our first stop at Pagoh. Had some hot drinks. I decided to have nescafe. My roomate says drinking nescafe boleh hilangkan mengantuk. So i take her words for it. Mind you, sepanjang hidup rasanya boleh kire ngn sebelah tangan berapa kali aku minom nescafe.huhu. After a 15 minutes break, we head on to our destination. Naik je kereta, aku rase perot aku da semacam dahh... Addoiii~ i think my tummy is rejecting the drink. Mak Usu said, the next pit stop will be Smpg. Renggam. Perut ni plak main-main dengan aku. Kejap sakit. Kejap tak.. Jalan pulak clear je pagi tuh.. Mula-mula pak usu's car was in the lead. Tapi i couldnt take it anymore. Dia bawak 100kmph je. Aku plak tgh sakit perot ni. So, i took the lead. Tak bole tahan lagi dah.. Haha.. I need to be at the next pit stop real fast!!!
Ok. long story cut short. We arrived at Kg Melayu Majidee, JB around 6 a.m. There, we prayed at the mosque, and later went to Mak Usu friend's house allocated not far from the mosque. Kami chose to leave our car at the house and masuk S'pore by taxi. We freshen up at the house, went for breakfast , and later took taxi to Larkin station. From there kene beratur for taxi to go into S'pore. Ramai jugak pagi tuh. mase tu dalam pukul 8 lebih kot. Mase tengah beratur tuh, Mak Usu as the head of the group decided to change the plan. Katenye naik bas lagi cepat. Sebab org tak ramai. So, follow je lah. oh lupe nak bagitau. there were 9 of us. me, my mum, my lil bro, Pak Long, Mak usu, Pak Usu, lil K, kakak and abg Asrul.
Naik bas, costs us only rm.170 from JB to Kranji. murah kan? Kalau taxi, rm15 per head. or rm60 per car if im not mistaken. Tapi, i tell ya, bus is only suitable for young people or backpackers. Kalau pergi ngan family better u take a taxi or car. Sebabnye, by bus, u have to do custom check manually. by that meaning, kene turun bas, bawak turun skali barang, naik escalator, beratur, dapatkan cop, pergi scan barang and all that. Kami habis masa dalam 1 jam kat situ! But if you go by car, memang la kereta hv to line up for check ups jugakkan , tapi at least, korang stay in your car. xperlu jalan. lebih convenient. and dia punye custom check sangat la simple. They look at u, then ur passport, check or boots, then voila!
So, after lepas custom check, by bus we went to the Kranji MRT station. MRT ni umpama LRT la dekat Malaysia. But a very long long longgg one... haha. Dari Kranji kami ke Sembawang, ke rumah cousin Ibu. Harini merupakan hari pernikahan anak cousin Ibu tuh. Kalau tak silap aku, kami sampai situ dalam pukul 1 tgh hari kot. Dah la dengan tido and rest tak cukup. Kene attend pernikahan lagi dengan masing-masing muke dah selebet. Bayangkan la kene naik turun escalator, beratur for bus dengan beg-beg yang semestinya berat. Kesian dekat Pak Long and kakak aku je. Pak Long walaupun nampak gagah, but cant deny the fact that he's old. Kakak plak tgh preggie. Kesian dia kene banyak jalan. Tapi aku tengok dia relax jee.. haha. But at the end of the journey, nampak la dia moody. Keciaannnn....
All in all, journey from Malaysia to S'pore by bus sangat memenatkan. So aku xgalakkan korg go by bus, UNLESS korang lightpackers, muda-mudi remaja, masuk S'pore for the weeked. Boleh save duit. huhu...
disebabkan masing-masing dah penat hari tuh, so, the rest of the day xde aktiviti sangat. Balik apartment n tidoooo... Malam tuh, pergi skali lagi ke rumah cousin Ibu for dinner. Aku tak tau la ni stail org Singapore kawen ke hape, but if one gets married, dia akan held majlis makan-makan for breakfast, lunch and dinner dari hari nikah ke hari bersanding. Just makan-makan saje, tak melibatkan pengantin. Pengantin muncul time nikah n sanding je.
Day 2 (Ahad 3 June 2012)
Sebelum ke wedding, aku, ibu, pak usu, mak usu, lil K, kakak n abang asrul, head off to Orchard street. -Sini area shopping malls yang best-best la kirenye kot... Sekarang ni dkt Singapore tengah Mega Sale,so mmg best la shopping. Kalau korang pandai bole dapat harga lebih murah dari Malaysia when converted. Masa tengah shopping-shoping tu, aku terjumpa satu crocs hello kitty yang sumpah comel gile. Hara baru $40+. Aku tengah berkira-kira nak beli. Since ni baru 1st day shopping, aku risau, kot2 beli yang ni, next time shopping, jumpe plak yang lain lagi comel and murah. So, aku pejam mata and walk off. That action of mine, made me regret my whole trip!! Sebabnye, lepas tuh xsempat dah nak g shopping!!! wuuuuuuuu~~~ kcewa gile2!!
After shopping (org len sume bawak barang, aku je tak), balik apartment, getting ready utk pergi wedding plak. Dijadikan cerita, my cousin Tasya ajak aku join dia g Bugis Street after the wedding. Tasya ni dia masuk S'pore a day earlier and stay dekat area lain (Pasir Ris), and da pegi wedding tu masa aku gi shopping. So, before nak g Bugis, dia dtg lepak jap kt apartment, and that time aku baru smp and terus ajak g Bugis. Diaorang da siap2 tuka baju pakai jeans sume. Aku plak nak g wedding, pakai la maxi dress aku kan. Maka terpaksalah aku pakai my maxi dress ke Bugis juge. Macam ape je gi sight-seeing pakai dress.. hmmm...
Bugis street tu, kalau kat M'sia ni umpama Petaling street la kot. ade satu part of the street jual barang-barang, pakaian murah, souvenirs singapore yg murah etc. another part of the street plak ade malls yang canggih manggih and sangat lawa.
Ada satu cerita best masa aku tengah beli souvenirs kat Bugis Street ni. There was this one guy tengah nak beli souvnirs jugak. we had some friendly talk and discovered that he's from Brunei. then masa nak bayar tuh, tetibe dia cakap, "can i buy this for your parents?", sambil tunjuk kat this one clock the shape of singapore map looking ornament. pastu aku macam "er, why?". he said, "oh, as a souvenir".. and i said "ahhhh, u dont have to", sambil wat muke serba salah ku.. hahaha... "but i want to. as a souvenir to ur parents"..i was like "but, why?". he replied, "malaysian people are so nice. i hv been there and they are very fiendly". pastu dia pon beli kan la... $15. to a bruneian, price tu celah gigi jehh.. tetibe teringin nak ade boyfriend org brunei.. mcm best jehhh... hahahaha... kachinggg!kachingg!!kachingg!!
Day 3 (Isnin 4 June 2012)
Hari yang dinanti-nantikan... Bersukaria di Universal Studio, Singapore (USS). Hahahihihuhuhuhu
Perjalanan kami by MRT. From Sembawang (where we stayed), took the MRT to Bishan. From there interchange to cicle line to get to Harbour Front. Before this, the plan was take the MRT to Dhoby Ghout and interchange there to north-east line to get to Harbour Front. But we had a chat with Ibu's cousin yg kerja dkt MRT tuh, and he said, turun dekat Bishan is faster. Tp klu tgk kat map, turun kt Dhoby mcm lg cepat. But, dia lebih arif, so we followed.
Sampai ke Harbour Front, kene naik Sentosa Express (monorail) to USS. Turun di Waterfront Station, the first station that is. All in all, the whole journey took about one hour. fuhh!! Takpela, janji da sampai USS. we arrived quite late. Pukul 11. Aku expect nak arrive pukul 10. ngam2 dia bukak, terus serbu.. haha. takot xsempat main semua rides.
So, masuk je USS tu, aku tak teros aim, transformers. Aku and the gang, pergi warm up kan badan dulu dgn rides2 bengong2.. haha... Mule2 pergi tengok Shrek 3D. memang best la dalam dulu. terasa percikan bersin si donkey tu kene muke aku. After that, pergi the lost world. Naik Rapids Adventure and canopy flyer. Kat rapids adv yang basah tuh. Tu yg kene pakai raincoat. huhu. Aku da beli siap2 dari M'sia. beli kat watson baru rm3. cousin aku ade yg beli kat USS, kene $3. haha. berganda-ganda, walopon nombornya sama. Canopy flyer tu aku rasa mcm membazir masa beratur jer. Ride dia xsampai 30secs kot. ciss..
Then, we went straight to the real adventure. we skip Ancient Egypt and went straight to Sci-fi city. Kitorg naik the scary looking rollercoasters, Human and Cylon. Human is the red colored one while Cylon is the one in blue. Pehhh, memang boleh runtuh jantung!! Tapi sumpah best gile. Human is a one minute ride, and Cylon is one minute 20 secs. haha, aku timed the ride mase tgh beratur. Between the two, Cylon lebih gerrun and brings ur adrenaline rush to the max! Your feet will be dangling in the air, and ade aksi tunggang terbalik, mmg peeerrggghhhh!!! rugi kalau tak naik beb.. Aku naik sampai 2x kot. Klu masa dipanjangkan lagi, nak naik sampai 5x.
After that, kami went straight to the anticipated ride of the place, TRANSFORMERS!. Ini pon memang sumpah best. tak mengecewakan. Dia bukan roller coaster betol. It's a 3D computer generated car ride. Korang kene pakai spek 3D. Pastu naik this one car yang bole muat dalam 6-8 pax. Kirenye ko jadi mcm one of the transformers la. And dalam ride tu ko tengah melawan orang jahat. Best gile beb. At the same time, there's a feeling mcm ko tgh naik rollercoaster betol. Yang ni pon aku naik 2x, but if given extra time, nak naik 10x!!
After transformers, kami patah balik ke Ancient Egypt and naik the Mummy ride.. Yang ni pon best. It was in the dark rollercoaster. Ko tak tau mane ko pergi.. huhu... Ni pon naik twice jugak. Then we went back around the USS untuk naik mane-mane rides yang kitorg tak naik lagi. Sebenarnya. for you guys yang suke kan the feel of adrenaline rush, xbanyak pon rides untuk kite. just those yang aku mention above je... Rides yang lain tu more to kids and family..
All in all, memang we spent whole day dalam tuh. Dari pukul 11 pagi, sampaila pukul 8 malam. Rides tutup pukul 7, so for the next hour we spent taking photos sebagai kenangan.
Sememangnya hari yang memenatkan!!
Day 4 (Selasa 5 June 2012)
Around 11 am, we went to rumah pakcik kepada abg Asrul for lunch at Yishun. Then, around 2 pm, bergerak ke mall dekat dengan Yishun MRT station tu. Apentah nama dia. Ingat bole la aku shopping kat situ. Tapi xde pe yang menarik, coz it's just a small mall. booohoooooo :'(. Then gerak balik apartment ke Sembawang around 3pm to get ready to go back to Malaysia. This time, kami dapat info dari cousin Ibu, there's a group of Johorean yang buat service taking people in and out of S'pore to JB. They will charge $12 per head. I think the price quite reasonable coz they will take u from anywhere in S'pore to anywhere in JB. fixed price. We sealed the deal without thinking of anything else. Yelah, masing-masing dah penat kot. Tak larat lagi dah nak naik bas balik ke JB. Tiring. Fortunately, naik kereta sewa ni sangat berbaloi-baloi. Upon entering Woodlands, where our passport will be stamped, the process didn't take so long. sangat cepat ok. The cars lining up memang panjang, but constantly moving. So, takdela lama tunggu untuk get to our turn. Custom check pon sgt pantas. Tak seperti if kite pergi buat manually masa naik bas hari tuh....
Maka begitulah cerita trip saya ke Singapore. Panjang kan? Ayat pon tunggang terbalik. haha.
![]() |
map of Singapore MRT |
kengkonon tgk map dalam mall at Bugis Junction |
Sale! tp xde hati nak shopping baju...i want shoes! |
to Bugis Street! |
waiting for MRT at Sembawang Station |
at Sentosa Island punye station. waiting to buy tickets for monorail to USS |
my personal fave! hahahaha |
lining up for transformers! |
keseronokan terpampang lepas dapat naik transformers! |
Blue: Cylon.. Nampak tak kaki dangling tuhh.. huhu |
Kepenatan~~ waiting for MRT to go back to Sembawang |
Nak balik Mesia~~ nak cop passport! weeeeehuuuuuu |
around 5p.m.. banyaknye motor. baru balek keje ye bangg? |
Wahhhh. Best gile! Nak pergi USS! tapi tunggu next year kottt. Now nak pergi memang saje je laa nk rasa duit terbang sebelum masanyaa. Haha. And I liked the part pasal Brunei guy tuhh. Ok he seems kinda charming coz nak bagi souvenir dekat your parents even tho the value xde la besar sangat but he's polite. Handsome x? HAHA. *gatal hormones kicking*
takpe, dis year, legoland bukak, ko gi serang sane.... best jugak kat situ.. huhu.. next year pergi USS plak :P.
i like the brunei guy as well. sgt frenly n boleh tahan ensem!!
Haha. Legooooo! My all time fav toy mase kecik2 besides barbie & dolls laa :p Macam best. Fuhhh. banyak tempat dalam waiting list lagi nieee. hehehe
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