Anywayyyy... Entri ni nak cite yang my eldest sister baru je dpt baby yesterdayyy!! To be exact, 6:30pm, 28.11.12 at the weight of 2.93.., im officially a Mak Lang!! Hoooraaaahhh..hoooraahh.. Alhamdulillah..syukur. Baby sihat mak baby sihat..
Jom cite2 sket pengalaman akak i bersalin.. Hahaha.. Slalu org cite pengalaman diri seniri kan.. Bia kali ni aku nak cite dr kaca mata org ketiga plak.. Hehe..
My sis start dok sepital pada malam 26.11 bcoz her due date was on 27th. She stayed at prince court. So mlm tu hubby dia temankan. That nite she was induced. Next day, aku with my mum n 2 lil bros dtg utk bg support. Dr kul 1.30pm dok tecongok dlm bilik dop ahu nk wat mende. Naseb bek ade wifi. Bleh gak on9. Sepanjang hari tu opening my sis bru 1-2cm. Tak silap aku, pg tu dia da kene induce fo the 2nd time. Tensen gak la tgg.. After mghrib, doc came in n cakap baby xkan kua harini, most probably tomoro. So tomoro morning bole masok labor room terus. Fuhh. Penantian 1 penyeksaan. Sepanjang hari tu pon contraction kakak biase2 jewww... So, aku ngn my lil bros balik la rembau dulu. While my mum balik puchong, umah mak su i. Sebab esok, dia nak temankan akak i lagi..gitteww.. Hubby dia, dok la sepital..jaga bininyee.. Hahaha..aku time tu.ckp kt ibu aku, " klu beby da kua je bru aina nk dtg.. Penatla tgg!" haha.. Xley pakai tol saya ni..
Then the next day, 6a.m abg ipar aku msg bgtau kakak da masok labor room. Wahh..terus teruja. Xtido da pas tuh.. Nk tgg baby kua.. Tunggu punya tunggu.. Xkua2 pon..haha.. Dalam labor room sorg je bole teman kakak. So abg ipar n ibu gilir2 teman. Bayangkan... Dr 6am smp 6pm kotttt... Bukaan baru 3cm.. I was like pehhhhhhh... Lmbtnyeeeee... Then ibu call... Bgtau kakak kene caesar. Jap lg nak masok OT. Oh gosh. Sebak jap...then i told ibu, after maghrib i'll come. She told me to bring some of her clothes as well.
Dalam kul7.30 aku ngn adik aku sorg kua rumah.. Hiway was smooth until exit Sg Besi. Tensi betol klu lalu situ..ntah bile nye xpernah nak jem. Finally arrived at PCMC kul9. Dah lps visiting hour sbnanye.. Tapi apedehall..masok jeh...naik atas, teros masok bilik.. Ade ibu, abang n his gf, mak su, kakak's in laws n her hubby..ramai la plak... Aku teros tgk beby.. Waaaaaaaaa... Omeynyeeeee... She was soooo red.. I mean, pink! Yeahh she's so pink.. Kene dgn nama dia Hana Humaira...Sebak jap. Haha. Xsangka bole sebak. Tapi maintain cooooool. Hahahaha...
I asked kakak, cmne rase kene caesar. She said twas ok. Xrasa sakit sbb da di bius, tp rase la org godek2 perot dia.. Hikhik.. N i just found out, the baby da tebelit jap oleh uri dia mase tgh operate tu.. Oh gosh. Cant imagine wht will happen if they wait later!! N ibu said, "mase doc kate nak caesar tu ibu sebak la.. Tp xsempat nak layan sebak, tibe2 doc da kua ckp baby da delivered. Twas fast!". Hahahhaha...
Anyway, sejak baby dlm perot, people around keep saying/asking "baby nnt ikot kulit bapaknye ke atau emaknye?". Hihi.. Sebabnye kakak aku cm bole tahan putih gebu la gak n hubby dia cam gelap2 tan2 sket..
Lumrah manusia kan.. Asal putih, cantik.. Hitam gelap itu tak. Aku tak tau nape tapi seingat aku mase aku kecik2 dulu i never thought of it dat way. Aku x diajar utk diskriminasi warna kulit seseorang. Myb sbb, adk aku ade sorg yg mcm gelap sket dr yg len.. Haha. Kami 6 org adk bradik, tp yg ke5 ni tibe2 lahir gelap sket. N klu mse kecik2 org slalu tny dpn dia, anak sape ni? Anak kau ke nani?? Apsal itam lak? Hahha.. Kejam tol.. So uwan aku slalu manjakan dia n cakap "itam manis, pandang x jemu". So sejak kecik aku da dididik itam itu manis.. Kalau pandang memang xjemu...gitteewww... Xpernah rasenye ejek orang tu itam ke ape.. (rasenye xpernah, xtau la kot pernah tp xigt..haha) . N bg aku, xsemestinya org tu berkulit gelap, dia hodoh.. Dan xsemestinya yg berkulit cerah tu lawa. Ye betol, setiap ciptaan Allah tu lawa.. What im trying to say is, kdg2 aku cm xley terima statement yg org ckp cmni " ala, dia putih. Sbb tu la lawa".. So u mean, klu dia itam, xlawa laa?? Hahahaha.. Aku rase aku blaja diskriminate skin color ni bile aku masok sek menengah kot.. Da bgaul ngn mcm2 org... Hahaha.. Perangai pon cam syial..lupe da ajaran mase kecik..kalau org tu gelap je mmg kene kutuk kaw2 punye.. Adoiii...kesian betol laa.. Apsal la aku terpengaruh.. Insaf japss..
Wokehh, berbalik pada cite bby. Hihi.. 1st day baby ni lahir saje, da bpe ramai yg tny, baby ikot kulit mak nye ke ayahnye? Haha. Pastu bile kate ikot mak nye, teros cakap, "aaaa, comel2"... kejadah?? Ape la penting sgt warna kulit beby tu.. Sian dia.. Biaq pi la warna apa pon.. Jgn kua warna ijau sudahh...
So that's all the story of me becoming a Mak Lang.. haha... why Mak Lang u asked?Kenapa bukan Auntie Lisa? wahhhh, lisa kau ye! bajet retiss sungguh.. hahaahahah.... because I'm the third child of the family. First is Along, then Angah, then Alang la kan? I would like to maintain the tradition of anak sedara calling their uncles and aunties by these "pangkat names" so that they will always remember their roots. We Malaysians hv this "pangkat names" for reasons. Nanti senang budak tu nak tau, antara uncles and aunties dia sape yg tua, sapa yg muda.. hahahaha.. boleh tak alasan cenggitu? Kang klu sume nak panggil Uncle Abiq, Uncle Aji, Pak Oun, Cik Ein, abeh pening dah budak tu. lame-lame jadi bengong.. hahahaha... <--- i'm exaggerating. tak sampai bengong kot.. Biarlah this part of the Malay tradition, our family kekalkan, sbb rasanya banyak Malay traditions laen yg telah kami tinggalkan.. hahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha....
Biarlah walaupun nnt jadi camni:
Hana: Mak Lang~~~~~~ i'm thirsty. where's my milk?
wahhhh... speaking London anak sedara akuuu... hahahahaha... mesti pengaruh Atok ngn Uwan dia nih.. haha. bengong...
Aaaaaaaaaa.. Xtau nak cite ape dah.. Nak tgk pic baby tak? Huhuhu... Here u go~~
Ini kakak sy mase tgh preggie..Few weeks before due date.. Cute kan.. Haha. Sepanjang preggie xpernah nk pakai maternity dress. Cmnila dressing dia.. Hahaha... Congratulations sis :). Be a good mom!
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The little puteri. She's sooo red.... owh. i mean, pink.. haha... My mak usu said, she took the goods of her parents. Fair skin of the mom, thick hair of the dad, and nose of the dad as well.. |
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Pak Teh Oun. Yang masa kecil selalu diperkatakan kerana warna kulitnya.. hahaha.... |
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Little lady in my arms :) |
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