Saturday, March 8, 2014

Abell Hilang

Harini genap 3 hari Abell hilang.
Rabu, Ein msg bagitau Abell tak balik rumah since Tuesday night. Malam tu dia balik, makan, then keluar balik. The next morning (Rabu), usually Abell would go to our neighbour's for breakfast. But he didn't show up. The neighbour, being concerned, went to our house to check up on Abell. Tapi dia takde.

Sampai harini.. Jumaat. He still hasn't come back yet. Ein da carik area kampung. No sign of him. Rumah jiran pon takde.

I'm just really really really sad right now.
Really really really sad

Im sad that he's missing.
I'm sad that I cannot do anything about this
I'm sad that I left him
I'm sad that I cannot go and search for him
I'm sad that I have no one to share this with.

I'm really really really sad

If only Abell knows I cry every night for him
Every night wishing that tomorrow he would come home
Wishing my mum or my brother would text me and tell me he is ok.

Abell please come home. I love you and I miss u so bad. I'll be home soon. School holiday is in two weeks time. I hope to see you when I get home. Please be there.

Dear God, please guide him home. You know how much I love him. Please don't take him away just yet.

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