location: living room, kg chuai baru. eating munchies c.chip oat krunch.
lame gile aku x online and update blog.. usually because aku malas.. but this time because aku busy.. no time man.. aku rase cuti ni aku paling busy.. the 1st week, mmg aku admit, aku just dok rumah and lepak. bangun ntah pukul brape.. subuh miss toksah cite la.. kesian dia cube kejot aku banyak kali tapi aku malas sangat nak bangun.. setan banyak gile dalam bilik aku siot.. haha...
19th till 20th dec, aku pergi NMC (Nottingham Malay Community) reunion kat parit raja, johor. Uncle Baha, baru bukak hotel kat situ, so we held the reunion there. sebelum sampai hotel tuh, i know it is a budget hotel, so i imagine it to be not so good la.. tapi bile aku sampai sana, the condition is not that bad for a budget hotel taw. service dia bagus, blik dia selesa, and big.. nice laaa... dekat dengan banyak kemudahan like kfc, guardian, mamak, kopitiam, and banyak shops sekeliling dia.. the hotel is named D'impian Inn, it got hotel rooms to apartments there. banyak jugak orang datang. ade yg aku xkenal jugak. doesnt matter coz i hanged around dgn my group of people>> the nottz krew. while orang2 tua busy lawan badminton, kitorg the teens, paw keta bapak memasing, and went to batu pahat mall which is located about 20km++ from the hotel and played a bowling tournament there. sadly, i didnt perform well, but i was not last. huhu..
21st Dec, about 5am, i went to Seremban, to pick up peja. yes, he spent his holiday herre.. i drove him back to my house, then about 11am, we and my bro khairul, headed to KL my komuter. from seremban we took the train to KL Central, then went on the monorail from KL.C to Bukit Bintang. patutnye jumpe Izzy, tapi she couldnt make it, so we just walked and walked around tanpa hala tuju.. then kitorg masuk LOWYAT, aku browsed for JVC camcorder. thinking of buying one bile elaun masok. tp pikir bajet jugak. takot xcukop dwet untok sem depan. the one that i like cost about 2K. sekarang sumeorg giler DSLR cams, tapi aku x.. aku nak camcorder. aku nak rekod video and edit it. aku nak move to the next level. kalau DSLR, cam biase pon bole jadi DSLR after goind thru edits. tp sebnanyer, best jugak klu ade DSLR nih.. hehe.. nak 2-2 lah... kikikiki... so after browsing, kitorg move to Times Sq. we watched Santau there. it was an ok movie laa.. xla gempak sangat. it was disgusting alrite.serius jijik giler. a bit of humour (xsure wether is supposed to be lawak or not), tp ok la... aku benci giler org yang menyanjung sangat cerita mat saleh(aimed at peja).. hebat sangat ke citer dorang? best jugak ape citer melayu. mane bole compare hantu melayu dgn mat saleh. kite ade culture kite sendiri.. like cerite bodoh 2012 tuh, ntah ape2 ntah... mmg merepek gile, tp bole smp boxoffice.. org melayu kite punye keje la tuh.. igt best sgt. nasib baik aku tgk cd pirate jehh.. mmg bodo cite dia.. throughout the movie, hero dia bole run from being sucked into the earth. mmg xlogik.. laju gile dia lari... boddo betol.. haha (emo jap).
anyway, after finished watching the movie, we took the monorail to BUkit Nenas, and from there we walked to KLCC and met kakak there. we passed Khairul to kakak to be taken to mak usu, and me and peja went back home. we took the putra line from KLCC to KL.C and took komuter from there to Seremban.
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