Friday, July 17, 2009


kadang2 bosan ah ngan pemikiran org laen..
mmg xley nak salahkan diaorg..
ape aku merepek??
yg penting! nape la ade org yg narrow minded kat dunia nihhh...
stress!! stress!!

open la sket beb.. dunia dah maju, zaman da berubah.. masih nak berfikir kolot lagi buat apa..
perempuan skrg dah setaraf dengan lelaki.. xsalah klu perempuan nak bergaul dgn lelaki.. in group with boys.. there is nothing wrong with that.. bukannye nak suruh berpeluk ke ape.. bergaul jer.. sosial la sket... ha, one more thing, when i say 'sosial', bukannya bermaksud clubbing tuh... 'sosial' here means bergaul lah dgn org.... kalau kite dgn kelompok kite jerr, mcm mana nak berkembang otak tuhhh... hence, narrow minded smp mati!! so bergaul lah beb...bgaul..begaul... bergaul lahhh...... tapi jgn lupe batasan anda~~~~~ h0h0h0h0..

kadang2 macam tensen jer.. kenapa lah aku tercampak dkt salah sebuah negeri yg paling ramai narrow minded people..ahahaahaa.. kejamnye aku kutuk org di negeri nih... tp, its d truth lah kan.. even the lecturers.. hmmm.. bukan nak kata ape lah kann.. x 'world' lansong.. ade tuh ade lahh... tp rare cases lahh.. mostly still traditional thinking... imagine k, kite dah setaraf universiti here kan... n still, u hear these lecturers going about "awak di larang bercinta".. what the heck man? hellooooo~~~ we're grown ups here... its normal k, to fall in love.. whats ur prob trying to stop this humane behaviour??? how kuno, barbaric can u get man... sick..

sebenarnya banyak lagi aku nak cerita pasal narrow minded ppl yg aku penha jumpe... tp when it comes to writing it down, otak jadi blur jer.. huhu.. pelik kan... hmmm.. ape lagi ekkk.. tp seriously, main point dia, to all the narrow minded people out there, OPEN UP UR MIND!!!!!! jangan jadi katak di bawah tempurung...

susah ahh nak carik org yg open minded yg normal.. let say we got to KL kan.. mmg ramai yg open minded kat situ... tp most of them da terlebey open dah.. itu da pengaruh setan barat da tuhh.. hahahaha.... so, susah lahhh... yg open telebey open.. yg closed and narrow, tersangat lah kuno.... x paham la beta!! yang ditengah-tengah????

till my next post..
ta-ra xx

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