Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Berdiri Atas Kaki Sendiri

Haven't done this for quite some time now. I have been quite a spoiled brat for yearssssss.... Depend too much on particular person.

But what happened last week, woke me up from my long hibernation. I have to get back up again. on my own. I need to be miss independent again. Do everything without the help of that person. I need to learn to stand on my own feet because, one day, sooner or later, i'll be all by myself and there will be no one to help me.

besonye lobang idong :P

ps: thanks for waking me up. though i know u didn't intend to. 


Super Ummi said...

Aina knp...? ok tak?
Hmm, betul lah tu... memang kene belajar berdikari...

dulu masa belajar, akak sangat2 mengharap dan bergantung pada yang sorang tu..
tapi bila dah kerja jauh2, memang terasa LOST! kadang2 rasa mcam takde makna je kehidupan ni...huhu.

Good luck ye aina...

aina mania said...

ok je kak :).
sedang dalam fasa membiasakan diri berdikari.. hehe

good luck to u too. sama2 kite learn to be independent :D


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