Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jai & Eida yang kawaii WEDDING HIGHLIGHTS

Assalamualaikum semua. (Jarang-jarang rasanya aku mulakan entri dengan salam. Terasa kematangan diri. Haha)

Harini aku baru habes satu job shoot wedding video dekat Melaka. Sumpah penat beb. Semalam dorang nikah start at 5pm then direct sampai kul 10pm. Itu pun majlis tak habis lagi. Tapi aku balik dulu sebab part aku da setel. Keesokannya, awal2 pagi, kul8 da gerak dari rumah to be there on time. Pagi2 ade plak sesi photoshoot bride with beberapa persalinan. Tengah hari baru sanding. By 5pm, everything da setel, so drove back to Rembau.

Dalam kesibukan membusykan diri, aku xsempat lagi kongsi dengan korang semua tentang my latest artwork of wedding highlights.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

You and your regrets.

Have you ever been in this situation?

You did something. And it was probably the biggest mistake of your life. You regretted it. You said to yourself,

"I am not going to repeat that same mistake again".

You hate yourself so much because of it. Later on in life, you found yourself in that situation again. Committing the mistake again. In your head, you hear voices saying,

"You are making the same mistake again. You are going to regret this later"

But you did not stop. You did not have the strength to stop it. And just like you predicted, you got hurt and you regretted it. Again. So you said to yourself,

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ini Semua Untuk Mu

Duduk rumah memang best. Fridge is always full. You have astro. You have internet. You have your own room. You have your own bed. Well, in my case I have bunk beds. 2 beds for one me! Isnt that cool? Haha.. You have your own study desk, so kalau nak online, bole duduk atas kerusi. Kalau sesape yang kenal aku, mesti tau yang aku ni ade problem kalau bersila lebih dari 5 minit. Kaki cepat lenguh and mula la sesemut tuh. So kalau I sit on the floor, every other minute, akan change position or lunjurkan kaki kejap. Kesian kan. Umur baru nak masok 23, tapi perangai dah macam orang tua. Haha. So, bile ade study desk ni, memang heaven lah. Aku dah la online 20 hours a day, bile ade kerusi ni, jadi 32 hours a day plak. Teeeheeeee.....

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


It was today when i was scrolling down my facebook homepage i realised. 70% of the posts from my friends wishing each other "Happy Teacher's Day" and "Hari ni dapat hadiah banyak dari murid" and "Selamat Hari Guru kepada semua guru dan bakal guru seperti saya". Then i said to myself, "Gosh, Aina, kawan-kawan facebook ko semuanya kalangan cikgu-cikgi eh?". hahahaahah... baru sekarang ko nak perasan nyah??

Itulah dia realiti seorang guru. Your friends pon among teachers jugak. Bukan setakat cikgu sekolah ko je, sekolah sebelah, sekolah X, sekolah Y, dan sekolah Z. So, by being a teacher, you will make sooooo many friends. Cool right?

As you guys know, I'm not a teacher yet. InsyaAllah, next year I'm gonna be one. Let's all pray I pass my exams with flying rainbow colours and pass my SPP. I'm so worried about SPP. They are gonna ask about general knowledge ques and current edu syst and something along those lines. Which, aku xberapa nak tau sangat. Haha, pelik kan? Aku yang bakal guru ni, dop ahu nape pasal current issues. Aku pon sebenarnya pelik jugak dengan diri aku ni. Ape yang aku tau ntah. I dont know the names of menteri, I dont know the names of sultan and raja-raja. I dont know about taxes. Sedih kan jadi saya? Kadang-kadang when kawan-kawan bercerita pasal menteri this did this and that, aku diammmmm jeeee...haha.. Ade tuh sampai cite ke anak-anak menteri pon dorang tau. Compem ko lulus nnt nyah!

Anyway, today aku nak point out a few misconception people have about teachers these days. betol la orang cakap, you will not know anything until you are in their shoes.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

You want proof?? I give you proof!

Pada suatu hari yang tak berapa nak panas sangat....

Aina: Ibu! where's the scale?

Ibu: It's right there darling, under the trolley

* Aina walks to the trolley, get the scale and stand on it.

Aina: Ibu! It's not functioning! No numbers! Look!

*Aina shows the blank screen of the scale to her mum

Ibu: Need to change the battery then. You need to go and buy some

Aina: what? what kind of battery does it use? gosh mann...

Ibu: I don't know. like one of those in watches.

Aina: Ohhhh.. that flat round thing. Ok! I know where to go!

*Aina rushes to the door, get the car key and vrooommmmmm~~ (it feels good to drive again. only got the chance when i'm home!)

It's finally done!


That, my friends, is a big fat huge sign of relief. I finally managed to finished it. Eventhough I challenged myself to get it done by the end of Tuesday, i failed. Only by a day though! It's finally finished. Thank God!

Masa mule2 start doing it, i was like :yeah, i can do this!"

In the middle, i was like " i seriously, hate my job!"

Now that it's done, i am like "i soooooo love my job! I'm soooo goood at this. haha"

Finally. Finally.Finally!! You don't know how happy i am right now. You dont know! You dont know! Only I felt it. The greatness... whoooooooooaaaaaaaahhh~ The air smells good!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thank You :)

"...em, org lain bleh bt andaian..abg knal sapa aina di mata abg..aina sgt jujur.."

You touched my heart. I don't know which part of the sentence, but it made me form tears in my eyes. thank you. 
I know you are happy now with your life. And i'm not going to interfere. I don't know what and why, but tonight, i felt like apologizing to you. And your reply was....was... was so sincere. Thank you. Thank you for still being my friend. Thank you for still being here when I needed someone.  You will always be one of my sweetest memory. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sudah Cukup Sudah!!!!!!

Ok, I"m stressed.

Work. Life. Work. Life. and the weather is frigging hot.

u c me smiling? u c me happy? hahahahehehehehuhuhuhuh.

i'm #foreveralone. and it's killing me! hahahahahahahahhaha ( u see? i dont even know y im laughing!)

ok. work. what about work? when will it end? when? c'mon man! get it done. focus!focuss!focussssss!!!

life? what about it? i don't know. everything.

let me get this out straight. heart to heart

You may feel that i am special to u. You may feel like i treat u different from the others. But to me, you are just another one of my friend. See? I'm such a heartbreaker aren't i? hahahahahaahahha....

gile aku da datang. poyo aku da sampai. sile abaikan.

it has passed midnight. so i need to get my beauty sleep. babai!

p.s: ouh, she's a gold digger.


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